3.3. The i-th tetrahedral alpha-carbon atom


3.3.1. Vectors analysis of the of the tetrahedrons formed by the i-th alpha-carbon atom


Bonds of the carbon atom Rai,   to which side chains of a canonical set of amino acids in MVM are attached, as well as other carbon atoms have a tetrahedral structure, i.e. all four bonds are directed to the vertices of a tetrahedron. As seen in Figure 14, at these vertices are the atoms of Ni, Нi, Сi, (group Oi=CiNi+1H) and CR (side chain carbon atom).


As shown in Fig. 14, a and b, the resonance group Oi-1=Ci-1NiH is flat (enclosed in box) [15], is a single entity and can rotate freely. Through it you can spend a notional axis  Cai-1Cai,  which will rotate the atom  Cai (Fig. 14,b).


Since all the bonds of i-th tetrahedral carbon atom are rigid, the vectors directed to i+1- th atom of the main chain  (Cai+1) and the side chain atom of СR will be firmly fixed and  interrelated. In Fig. 14,b they are, respectively, green and blue. This means that any movement of the side chain of amino acids in the process of reconstruction of the encoded protein conformation would simultaneously affect the direction of the vector  Cai – Cai+1. For this ability, these two directions at the i-th alpha-carbon atom are called "yoke".


 Different side chains of the protein associated with the tetrahedral a-atom in the framework of MVM will predetermine the different growth direction of the main chain. Lets consider this question in more detail.







Fig. 14. Comparison of the tetrahedrons formed by  Cai:

            a – by valence bonds  Cai, directed to the vertices of a tetrahedron;

            b - by vectors directed to the Cai (green arrow) of the main chain and side chain of СR (blue arrow).



3.3.2. The possible bonds of group Oi=CiNi+1Н with main chain

 Depending on the location of bond of group Oi=CiNi+1Н to the main chain it is possible to distinguish four different directions, two of which are shown in Figures 15,a, b.





In the event that the side chain (physical operator) R sets the direction in which the hydrogen bond between the Ni+1Н  and atom Oi-3 is possible (Fig. 15, a), the alpha helical conformation of the chain [15] remains the same (recall that previous hydrogen bond was NiНOi-4).

The direction of the next hydrogen bond to Oi is shown by a red arrow.












When the physical operator sets the direction, allowing the formation of hydrogen bonding of group Oi=CiNi+1Н and atom Oi-2 (Fig. 15, b), the spiral structure becomes steeper, which corresponds to the helix 310 of proteins [15].


The direction of the next hydrogen bond to Oi  is shown by a blue arrow.


Fig. 15. Variants of possible  hydrogen bonding of Oi=RiNi+1Н: with the atom Oi-3 (a) and with the atom Oi-2 (b).


Besides helical structures  the side chains, available in the canonical set,  can focus a direction on Сai+1  carbon atom with formation of hydrogen bonds with atoms  Oi-1 and  on Oi (Fig. 16a, b), which leads to a steep bends and turns of the chain.





The third version of the bond, which can be defined by physical operators of the i-th position, is formed by a group of Oi=RiNi+1Н with the atom Oi-1 Fig. 16, a).


It is likely that for the implementation of this direction is permissible to use only a few side chains from the canonical set.

The direction of the next possible hydrogen bond for Oi-1 is shown by the blue arrow.












The fourth version of the hydrogen bond, shown in Figure 16,b, is the formation of hydrogen bonds with the atom Oi-4. This corresponds to a situation when with these atoms are formed simultaneously two hydrogen bonds - NiH and Ni+1H by groups belonging to the i-th and i +1- th alpha-carbon atoms.


Such a situation is allowed only for the amino acids glycine (Gly), which has no side chain and having the conformational mobility.

The direction of the next possible hydrogen bond for the Oi-1 shown by the pink arrow.


Fig. 16. Variants of possible hydrogen bonding of group Oi=RiNi+1Н with atom Oi-1 (a) and with the atom Oi (b).


Thus, depending on the length of the side chain, located in the i-th position, determination of the subsequent direction of growth of the polypeptide chain is possible. Note also that this determination also depends on the structure of the source pentafragment, whether it is in the alpha-helical conformation or otherwise.


In this regard, "yoke", i.e. the relationship of the two directions on the i-th alpha-carbon atom, there is a problem of establishing the correlation between the size of the side chain and the direction which it determines. For the decision of this question could be used as a mathematical (i.e., geometric), and computer approaches. The solution of complex problems in this area, could spell, as it can be assumed to obtain important results for the direct prediction of protein secondary structure. Attempts were made in this direction [6-8], but have not yet led to a complete solution of the problem.


Theoretical analysis of  bond area NiНOi-4 and formulated as a result of this representation of the MVM can clarify the nature of the canonical set of  20 amino acids as a group of irreducible representations of vectors that can be distinguished in this area.


However, this view is somewhat simplified. As we saw on the page http://genetic-code.narod.ru, in the base of the genetic code could be laid  the 64 conformations of  4-arc graph or protein penafragment, of which two or three conformations are associated with the encoding of the beginning or the end of the reading (triplets coding stop-signals). The remaining 61-62 conformations of the protein must be recreated by means of side chains. The question arises: how to reconcile the existence of only 20 amino acids with the possibility of coding by triplets (although highly degenerate) over the 60 conformations of the protein. This question is solved in principle, if we include into consideration not only the side chains, but also those groups that they carry. The inclusion of these groups leads to a two-layer model of MVM, which is set out in section 4 of our pages.



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