2.1.   Allocation of the symmetry planes


2.1.1.     The properties of the peptide bond


Double bond in the peptide groups, according to [15] can be in two positions:

O=CN  < --- > OC=N+

According to L. Pauling (cit. in [15]), this effect is caused by resonance of two limiting structures. Due to the resonance peptide group in proteins is flat [15] .From the standpoint of quantum mechanics, the electron clouds in such resonance structures have the form of overlapping dumbbells (Fig. 2) – of sp2-hybridized clouds.


The only hydrogen bond, leading to a cyclic pentafragment, formed between atoms NiH….Oi-4=C of the two peptide groups of the protein polypeptide chain. In the hydrogen bonding of these groups involved a hydrogen atom, which has a spherical S-orbital associated with the nitrogen atom of the Ni i-th alpha-carbon atom and an oxygen atom Oi-4 of peptide bond of i-4-th alpha-carbon atom. View of electron clouds in this region is shown in Figure 3. It is this area is the subject of our analysis.






Fig. 2. The shape of the electron clouds of the peptide bond.

Fig. 3. The shape of the electron clouds in the hydrogen bond NiH….Oi-4=C of the two peptide groups of pentafragment (top view). The gray balls – alpha-carbon atoms.


2.1.2.    Carrying out the planes of symmetry in the area of bond NiH….Oi-4=C


Through the bond NiH….Oi-4=C three mutually perpendicular planes can be drawn (Fig. 4). The plane I (marked in yellow) goes through this bond perpendicularly to the plane of sheet; as a result each of the sp2-hybridized cloud blades will be symmetrical on both sides of the atom Oi-4. Plane II (marked in red) runs parallel to the plane of the sheet (perpendicular to the plane I) and separates the sp2-hybridized cloud into two symmetrical halves - the front and back. Plane III (marked in blue) is perpendicular to the previous two planes and separates each blade of the sp2-hybridized cloud into two halves - top and bottom.




Fig. 4. Allocation of the planes of symmetry in the area of bond NiH….Oi-4=C (top view).


In Section 2.2 it will be shown how with use of the allocated planes of symmetry 20 vectors of action of physical operators can be received.



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